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Norfolk Hill, Grenoside, S35 8QB

0114 2467380







Grenoside Primary

Welcome to Year 1

We would like your child to have a very happy and successful year with us this year. Here we provide you with information about the curriculum this year and we hope you can use this to support your child with their learning at home. We look forward to working in partnership with you!



Y1LH – Miss Harrison

Y1RM – Mrs Mason

Support Staff - Miss Colton & Mrs Frost


Morning Routine

We aim for children to become more independent now they are in Y1. All children should line up independently outside their classroom door from 8.35am, ready for staff to bring them in to school. Teachers are available to pass information over about your child briefly in the morning, but we also have a short time at the end of the day if you wish to speak to your child’s teacher when the children are sent home. Teachers will need to speak to some parents at home time to pass information over from the day. We ask that you respectfully wait away from the classroom door while the teachers are speaking with other parents to give privacy and wait until the teacher is available to speak to if needed.


Home Reading

In Y1, we encourage reading as much as possible to help children become
confident and able readers. Please encourage your child to read on a daily basis (where possible) for a short time and record how they do in their reading
record. Children will bring home a reading book that they have already read in
school and that they should be able to read with fluency (not having to overly
sound out-although they may sound out a few words). It is important to reread
this book at home so that your child can build their fluency and confidence in
reading. These books have comprehension question examples at the back that
you can ask your child. Pupils also take home one ‘library book’ for them to
read for pleasure and share with an adult. This may be at a level higher than
which they can read alone. Whenever reading with or to children, encourage
them to discuss the book’s features, characters and events in detail. Please also
encourage your child to make predictions about what will happen next. Home
reading books will be changed once a week, although they need to be in
school each day for adults to be able to read with them.


Home Learning

Your child will be given optional home learning at the start of each half term,
this is the ‘Can you...? challenge’ sheet which is uploaded onto Google
Classroom. You and your child can choose from the homework activities on the
sheet, which may include Phonics, English, Maths and Topic. In addition, each
week your child will also receive a set of spellings to learn to spell and read
confidently (again uploaded onto Google Classroom). The spellings will be a
mixture of key words and topic related words the children will be using in their
work. The children’s knowledge of their spellings will usually be checked on
Fridays and we call this a ‘spell check.’ Google Classroom is also used to
signpost other useful activities and websites to support your child’s learning.


 P.E. Days

Miss Harrison – Wednesday

Mrs Mason - Friday

Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their P.E. kit. P.E. kits should
include their ‘house team’ colour t-shirt, navy shorts and trainers. Navy jogging
bottoms and a navy hoodie/jumper can be worn for outdoor sessions when
cold. No jewellery to be worn please. If your child has their ears pierced,
children will need to remove these themselves or place tape over them. Long hair will need to be tied up. Please remember a filled water bottle every day, but especially on P.E. days.


Educational Visits

After Easter, we plan to visit a farm as part of our ‘Can I have a pet?’ topic.
There will also be opportunities for children to enjoy external visitors coming
into school throughout the year and we make frequent use of our surrounding
grounds and the area of Grenoside.


List of Topics

Autumn 1 - Who am I? (Childhood)

Autumn 2 - What’s Up? (Moon Zoom)

Spring 1 – Why is London our capital city? (Bright Lights, Big City)

Spring 2 – Can I have a pet? (Paws, Claws and Whiskers)

Summer 1 – What’s the weather like? (Splendid Skies)

Summer 2 – Where is my school? (School Days)