History at Grenoside Community Primary School
Statement of intent
At Grenoside we aim to offer a high quality history curriculum where pupils’ curiosity is engaged to learn about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our aim is for pupils to develop a well-rounded knowledge of the past, key concepts and key events, improve their cultural capital, understanding of the world and their own heritage. Our locality is rich in history and is one in which we make use of as a resource, enabling children to develop a deep understanding of the unique history of their village.
Statement of implementation
In KS1 and KS2History is taught through half termly topics, which are informed, by the National Curriculum and focused on concepts, knowledge and skills. We start topics with an ‘engagement’ day to excite pupils and give them the opportunity to show what they already know and questions they would like to find the answers to. This in turn helps to inform planning of lessons. Teachers link to previous history learning in a variety of ways e.g. using time lines so that pupils can revisit previous history learning and make connections to where the new topic fits chronologically, in class discussions encouraging comparisons to previous historical eras and events and providing opportunities to share previous knowledge and make connections to new learning. We use knowledge organisers for history topics to introduce and reinforce the correct use and spelling of key vocabulary and to enhance understanding of key concepts . We aim to excite the children in their history learning and bring history alive by promoting educational visits, and outdoor learning e.g. visiting a museum, historic building and being history detectives in the locality. Within our history curriculum, we make strong cross curricular links to other subject areas especially English (including vocabulary acquisition), P4C, Art, Maths Geography and DT.
Statement of impact for history
Through history lessons at Grenoside Community Primary School we aim to:-
- have enjoyed learning about history
- Gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world
- Ask perceptive questions
- Think critically
- Weigh up evidence and develop perspective and judgement
- Begin to understand the complexity of people’s lives
- The process of change
- The diversity of societies and relationships between different groups
- Their own identity and the challenges of their time
- have developed as critical thinkers
- be aware of how historical events have shaped the world they live in
- Begin to understand the complexity of people’s lives
- be ready for KS3 and life as an adult in the wider world